Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Wonderful Crazy Dream.

Okay so last night i had this crazy weird could even be a fanfic because it has edward cullen, bella, and jacob black in it...ok so here it goes.

I was at the beach, enjoying the breeze, and the waves.It was around 6:30 0r 7:00 and the sun was either setting or about to set.There was a huge bonfire and i was having so much fun.I was hanging out with Edward, Bella, and Jacob.I was shocked that they were haning out with me, and i was even more shocked that Edward and Jacob we hangin out.Edward was still sparkling from the sun, and he looked cold.Well obviously, because he is a vampire.He was sitting next to Bella.She was so pretty, with beautiful brown hair.I have to admit that i was kind of jealous.Then there was Jacob, he was sitting between me and Bella.With his black hair...he had let it grow back out.It was cold outside, but i was unusually warm sitting next to him, considering his temperature.Well, we were all talking and laughing, and having fun.

"Hey Alexis, would you like to go into that bouilding over there, it's abandoned but i hear it's gorgeous inside." I looked up when i heard Edward speaking to me.There's no doubt that he was reading my mind.That's exactly what i had been thinking."Sure.", I replied, a bit hesitant, i couldn't really believe that he was talking to me.He hasn't said a word to me really, i was beginning to think that he didn't like me."well, come on then!", Bella yelled.When i finished thinking i relized they were already half way there.I leaped up and ran.

We walked in, It was stunning; completely amazing! I couldn't stop looking around.Two of the walls, in the humungous ball room, were pretty much huge windows.Well except for the bottem.The walls were sort of a bronze-brown color.The door to get in the room was as tall as the wall.It was that kind of door that you had to push both sides just to open.The detail on it was amazing.It was brown, with little roseswith thorns carved into it.In the carving there was also vines and berries.I couldn't believe what i was seeing.

There was a tiled granite floor.It was so pretty.And the most beautiful gold fountain stood in the middle of the room.It had water just sputting out of the top.It looked like one of those wishing fountains you see in a movie, where you throw your coin in and make a wish.I got so close to it that i almost fell in.I heard Jacob whisper in my ear."Do you like it?".
"Yes", i replied with much enthusiasm,"it's wonderful."
"good.I'm glad", he said.

For some strange reason, i was beginning to think that Jacob liked me.But he couldn't.And for another, i think i was starting to like him.I mean, yeah, he's a werewolf and i'm on the vampires side but i couldn't help it.I was just hoping i didn't start liking him.I had to fight my feelings, as hard as i can.It's really difficult but i'm sure i can manage.

I started looking around the building again.There were gold columns in all four corners.and opposite frm the door there was a hallway.The walls in the hallway were all glass, but it was that blurred kind.I tried looking through it was i was having trouble.I walking back into the ball room, or at least thats what i had called it.I really didn't know what it was.Then Edward started talking.There was a panick in his voice.
"Bella, Alexis, go back inside the hallway and keep low.Don't talk and don't make any movement once you get there".
"Why, Edward, whats wrong?", Bella sounded scared.I was scared to.
"Someone's comming, I can hear their thoughts."

Jacob took us into the hallway.I was so scared and I didn't know what was happening."Stay here, please, and stay low", Jacob told us, looking at me, though, when he said it."Jacob, don't go.Please stay with me.I'm scared, Jacob.", I said, i think i was crying.Bella was looking at me.I couldn't read her face...but i think i have a pretty good idea at what she was thinking.I started crying.I couldn't fight my feelings anymore.He kissed my forehead.It was kind of awkward, but i didn't care."I have to go.", he said.

He turned and left.Edward was already out there and ready.They were talking about whats going to happen.They were waiting for someone.But, i don't know who.Bella turned to me and whispered with a smile, "you love him".iI was embarassed and my face turned red.I smiled too, "yes, i do", i finally said.She looked at me, and hugged me."I'm happy", she started saying,I was a little confused because I thought she loved him too."He has been real sad, since me and Edwrad got engaged."She hesitated on the word, I could tell she was nervous."I very happy that he's happy again.He makes me joyful, too.Please don't hurt him.I couldn't stand to see it, I've already done it to him once.I don't want to see him sad again." I looked at her for a while."I won't, I promise." I finally said.She smiled, and seemed happy.

Then we turned back to watch what was about to happen.I was shaking, practically scared to death.Then, this huge guy burst through the door.He had black hair, and had armor on.He was holding a sword in his hand.I don't know what he came for but he looked straight at me.I turned away quickly, frightened at what was gonna happen.Edward looked at me, that's when I figured out what he wanted, me!

"Run Alexis", Jake shouted."you too Bella.Get safe somewhere."I jumped to my feet and sped down the hallway as fast as I could.Before I knew it, The guy was right behind me.He was chasing me, and his armor started falling off.I figured that's a good thing because he'll be an easier target to get.I was wrong.After all his armor was off, he turned completely into a skeleton.He was talking to me."Alexis", he'd started, "quit running, you know i'm going to catch you."
"I'll take my chances.", I yelled as I was running.
"Alexis, run back toward here, him over here."

I don't know who yelled that.I wasn't paying any attention, but I took the advice.I took a sharp turn and raced back towards the ball room."Alexis!", the skeleton guy was saying. "Do you want to know why I chose to turn into a skeleton?"
"Not really", I said back, I sounded pretty brave but I knew I was truley scared."So I don't get hurt because i'm already dead." he said."And in no time both of your little friends will be dead."."Nice try" I yelled, "One can't gt hurt, and the other already is." He looked puzzled.Then a foot hit him in the side.Edward had kicked him.His bones flew everywhere.Just then, the police ran in, holding there guns up.Jacob had to explain everything, although he lied because he knew that they would never believe him.But he told them a reasonable story.

After he explained things to them he came to me.I was wrapped in a jacket holding a coke.He hugs me and then looks at me."Are you alright?" he asked me, "because i know that you have got to be scared out of your mind." "I'm fine", I lied.He looked at me deeply, studying me, looking into my eyes.He felt me shake."That is such a lie.Your shaking."
"Well, maybe, i'm just shaking because im cold." I said, trying to cinvince him.It didn't work.
"Alexis, I'm hugging you, and you know what tempurature i run at, your not cold.Plus, needless to say, your wearing a huge jacket.How can you be cold"
"This Coke!", i said "It's cold and i'm drinking it, and I shivered because I wasn't ready for how cold it would be going down my throat." He chuckled, aparently unconvinced.
"Okay, let me warm you up then".He gave me a big bear hug.It was warm, and so tight that I could hardly breath, but I didn't care.I like being in Jake's arms.Bella and Edward came up to us."So, it looks like ya'll are a couple now.", Edward teased.Bella smiled, "at least now we can go on double dates" Then she looked up at Edward.Edward smiled and looked down at her."Yes", he agreed.
"That would be fun!", I said.I looked at Jake to see what he would say about that.He just smiled and finallysaid."We should sometime."
I went home that night and I had to explain to my worried mother that i'm alright.I told her every detail in the story.I don't know how but she knew about the whole vampire werewolf thing.She looked at me with wide eyes, she was shocked, i could tell.Then she said after whet seemed like forever, "so are you sure your all right."
"Yes, mom, I'm totally fine, I had a fun exciting day, full of strange scary things.Plus, I hooked up with a werewolf", I smiled lightly.Her smile fallowed mine.She seemed happy for me.She Gave me a hug and said "i love you Alexis.Now go call Jake, the phone's been ringing." I smiled and walked towards the phone.It rang twice and then he picked up.
"Hello?", It was Jake's voice.
"Hey Jake, you called?"
"Yes, i sure did, pretty crazy night tonight huh?"
"That's for sure."
"We'll have to do it again sometime.", he laugh, and I heard the smile in his voice.I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Definantly.", I said.